Ferm Living have the most stunning collection of planters & plant boxes in their ‘Green Living’ collection, proudly stocked at Maven - so we know that we can take their word for it concerning the maintenance & care of the plants that fill them!
Ferm Living have created a quick & simple guide to follow for tips on the easiest plants to choose for your home & the rooms that they should occupy. The guide is full of useful pointers & tips for how to properly care for each plant & most importantly, how to keep them alive!
Notebooks at the ready
The cacti family is used to the desert, so if you have a dark hallway, this is a no go. But if you have indirect sunlight in your entrance from adjoining rooms, your cactus will do just fine. How much light, your cactus requires, depends on the species so make sure to look into that before choosing your new prickly friend. Although most cacti live in the desert, it is wrong to assume that they don’t require any water. Cacti and succulents can store up water in their thick leaves, but they still need to be watered every now and then, as underwatering will cause shrivelling. Cacti grow during summer, and you should water them once a week. In the winter, you can reduce watering as it’s their natural rest period. Make sure to place the cactus out of reach from the little children fingers, as they will poke, and the spikes can be difficult to remove.
The Fiddle Leaf Fig has become quite the classic of houseplants in recent years. And we understand why. Although it will take up a lot of space if you let it, it will pay you back with its large lush leaves and an almost jungle-like vibe. This one loves sunlight, but if you have a corner of your living room that looks a little dull, you can place it there too if you make sure there is indirect sunlight. If you put the fig in a full-sun location, make sure to moist and dust off the leaves regularly. That will make the plant look its best. Turn the plant frequently to make it grow evenly, as the leaves will always reach for the light.
If the herbs you need for cooking isn’t enough for you, why not add a little something extra. The Spider Plant is very adaptable and will thrive in both sun and low-light conditions. It is a favourite to many as it’s very easy and because it gets funny little offsprings, resembling a spider hanging from its web, hence the name. The Spider Plants are believed to purify the air which is a great benefit in your kitchen. Make sure you don’t let too many of the babies stay on, as it will drain the mother plant for energy. Just cut them off and re-plant them, and soon you will have an entire little family of Spiders.
Let’s be frank: Calatheas are not the easiest plants out there, but with their unique leaves and patterns they are so beautiful that they are definitely worth the trouble. They don’t like too much sun so make sure not to place them in a window – they will love a corner of your dining room. They can grow to be about 1 metre, so put them on the floor where it will usually also be a bit darker. The tricky part of this plant is that they depend on moist, which does not only mean that you have to water them 2-3 times a week; they also need a shower or to be misted with lukewarm water. This is also to keep the leaves free from dust, as that will limit its ability to absorb light and humidity of other plants in the room.
The trick to matching plants with a specific room in your home is getting to know the plants and their natural habitat. Fittonia grows in South America in tropical forests and is used to less light and high humidity. That is why it will thrive in your bathroom, even if you don’t have a large window. You can also put it in a terrarium which is the household equivalent to the jungle, Fittonia is used to. The Fittonia is also known as Mosaic Plant due to the marvellous texture of the leaves which can be found in several different colours. The plant is a creeper, so you might want to put it in a hanging pot – that way you’ll also save some room.
The Asparagus Fern is about as easy as a plant get. It only requires to be watered now and then, and although it likes its sunlight, it won’t be too bothered if you place it somewhere darker. It’s virtually indestructible, so whatever you do, you probably can’t kill it. It likes to be watered but if you happen to forget it, don’t worry. It won’t really mind. But be aware: Although it looks all nice and sweet, it has little thorns so handle it with care if you need to move it. And also, despite its appetising name, the plant is, in fact, very toxic to dogs and cats.
You work better when you feel great. Create the optimal conditions in your office by surrounding yourself with green plants. The Rubber Plant has large, dark green leaves and will grow big if you let it. It is easy to care for as long as you make sure it gets a good amount of bright and natural light – and avoid direct or low light, which will mean the end of the beautiful plant. It is used to moist conditions so make sure you don’t place it too close to a heater or a drafty window and mist the leaves whenever you feel it needs a little extra.